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Apr 10, 2023
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Big Body Heavy Lifting! Click Here >>>>> Purpose: It has been suggested that the media influence beliefs regarding ideal body appearance and drive for muscularity whilst also offering recommendations for achieving this; most commonly heavy load free weight resistance training (RT). However, evidence for media effects are inconsistent in the literature. This study investigated this \"lift big-get big\" culture and effects of imagery on males' beliefs regarding RT. Method: An online survey was conducted with male participants (N = 110) randomized to different images (hyper-muscular/lean/control) and RT information (\"lift big-get big\"/\"evidence based RT\"/control). Results: Descriptive data suggested belief in necessity of heavy loads and free weights was pervasive. There was a small significant effect of condition for multivariate analysis of beliefs regarding RT. Univariate analyses showed significant effects of condition regarding the importance of free weights and heavy loads for strength, and free weights for hypertrophy. Small to moderate effects were found comparing \"evidence-based RT\" with a hyper-muscular physique to \"lift big-get big\" conditions with both hyper-muscular and lean physiques, the latter more likely to agree free weights and heavy loads are necessary for strength. A small effect was found comparing \"lift big-get big\" conditions with both hyper-muscular and lean physiques and the control condition, the former more likely to agree free weights are necessary for hypertrophy. Conclusions: Although hyper-muscular bodies alone did not influence RT beliefs, new information, i.e., \"evidence-based RT\" combined with a hyper-muscular physique had a small effect. The \"lift big-get big\" culture is perhaps pervasive enough that most conditions merely reinforced existing beliefs. Water is important for preventing muscle cramping and dehydration. It also transports nutrients, aids in digestion and makes up approximately 50-70% of your body weight. Therefore, water should not be neglected when recovering from a heavy training session. By consuming water after a workout, you will replace fluid lost during the workout itself. To be more accurate about replacing water lost, weigh yourself before you train and then immediately after. The difference in weight will help you estimate how much water you have lost and how much you need to consume (Kleiner and Greenwood-Robinson, 2013). Rest is imperative for recovery after a heavy lift. If you are training a body part, give yourself at least a day to repair and rebuild before training that same body part again. By neglecting rest days, you may increase your risk for injury and decrease your level of performance. If you are on a schedule that has you lifting consecutive days in a row, alternate body parts to ensure adequate rest in between weight-training workouts. After struggling for years to find an exercise and diet program that is tailored to women striving for lean and toned body with no bulk she designed her Lean Legs Program. This program is tailored to each body type and focused on helping women get toned but feminine bodies, without getting bulky. Hi lovely! Just like burning body fat, you still need to follow the right type and workouts and adjust your diet for weight loss. It will require a lot of hard work but with the right process, achieving your fitness goals is completely possible. If you need more help or tips, feel free to reach out to us at I think it's a great program and it can help you. Power walking is also great cardio when it comes to burning calories. If your goal is to slim down your legs there are 3 steps you should follow - do the right type of cardio, do bodyweight resistance training, and adjust your diet for weight loss.I have a very detailed blog post that will help you learn how to slim down your legs so please go give it a read. :) Please I need your help.I used to pull my stomach in while going out so as not looked potbelly, now I am very very larger bulky (wider body frame ) too muscular not fat, I have do cardio tirelessly all to no avail. Then what next The first step to stop gaining unwanted bulkiness is to stop the exercises that you're currently doing. Light-intensity cardio like power walking mixed with light resistance workouts will help lean down those muscles. You will also need to adjust your diet for weight loss by eating at a calorie deficit. If your goal is to slim down not just your legs but also other areas in your body, it is very important to follow the right type of workouts and diet for your body type. Here are some general guidelines for gorgeous mesomorphs like you. Feel free to give it a read. :) Yes, you can use the tips from the blog post as they will definitely help however since we cannot spot reduce fat, it would be important to work out your calorie intake and eat in a slight caloric deficit (300-500 cal). Apart from that, do 3-5 days of resistance workout and power walk 5 days a week and 10,000 steps per session (if possible). All that combined will definitely help you lose fat and tone your entire body and not just your upper part. :) To slim down a muscular upper body it's important to avoid doing any exercises that you know are causing bulkiness. That can include pushups :) It's also important to do cardio, eating on a slight calorie deficit and eating a low carb diet :) Interesting. But what do you mean with avoiding all heavy weight exercises I wanna grow my lower body. So I have to lift heavy in many exercises. Did you mean that even squats or dead lifts, that barely touch my upper body, affect it anyway Or just you were referring to exercises for upper body Hi lovely,The best way to lose muscle from your upper body is by reducing your overall muscle mass.I suggest avoiding heavy lifting and trying out cardio boxing, that should help with toning up your core too without getting bulky. Hi lovely,The best way to lose fat from your arms is by reducing your overall body fat.Also, having any issues with your thyroid can cause fat storage on the back of your arms. So if the fat storage here is unusual for you, then we suggest you see a professional to get your thyroid checked. The program in the eBook is an 8 week workout and nutrition plan designed to help you get lean and toned without bulking. It will help you slim down your legs, but will also help you slim and tone your upper body and core too (the workouts are full body). It also includes a full meal plan, a separate recipe eBook and demonstration videos. Hi lovely, thanks for sharing your experience! Yes I guess if you do something a LOT it can overuse those muscles and cause them to become too big. If you are trying to reduce the muscle and body combat was what made them big, I would cut out all body combat (and boxing) for now! xx Hi lovely, stopping the exercise that makes your upper body bulky (in your case, pole) will help reduce the muscle size. Yoga will help you work your arms without making them bulky. You could always stop pole for a while until your upper body slims down, and then re-start but just reduce your frequency :) xx Dear Rachael,Great topic to discuss. I am in this boat as well. I have huge upper body muscles and do no heavy lifting or overhead weight work. My workouts consist mainly of bodyweight and HIIT. So, does this mean I should give up push-ups, burpees, etc. Other researchers have long observed ants in the field and guessed that they could hoist a hundred times their body weight or more, judging by the payload of leaves or prey that they carried. Castro and his colleagues took a different approach. They imaged ants with electron microscopy and X-rayed them with micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) machines. They placed the ants in a refrigerator to anesthetize them, then glued them face-down in a specially designed centrifuge to measure the force necessary to deform the neck and eventually rupture the head from the body. Micro-CT scans revealed the soft tissue structure of the neck and its connection to the hard exoskeleton of the head and body. Electron microscopy images revealed that each part of the head-neck-chest joint was covered in a different texture, with structures that looked like bumps or hairs extending from different locations. interesting finding. If the very same approach were to carry out to dung beetle, what would be the number. Since the are informations suggested that dung beetle is actually the strongest insect by lifting up to 1140 times of its own weight. I cannot wait to know who will take the strongest insect title. But truth of the matter is, lifting lighter weights can be an effective method in itself if you want to put on muscle. In fact, not only has research shown that lifting lighter offers results that are comparable to lifting big, but logically speaking, it offers more advantages too. In a ground-breaking study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, researchers at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, found that effort, not load, can actually increase muscle growth. Upending the commonly-accepted training philosophy that hypertrophy occurs only through heavy lifting, the study demonstrated that subjects who lifted lighter weights until reaching muscular failure can gain just as much size and strength as guys who pull big. Lighter loads also allow the movement to be performed through the full range of motion. Lifting overly heavy poundage typically takes the weight through a shorter range of motion, resulting in poorer performance. A good example is the triceps pressdown. When the weight is too heavy, the shoulder muscles, being larger than the triceps, overpower the smaller muscles in order to press the weight down. The result Your shoulders get a great workout, but your triceps are left in the dust. In the beginning of a weightlifting program, any strength gains you see are primarily being driven by improvement in neuromuscular processes and not an increase in muscle mass. When you start to lift heavy weights, your brain learns to recruit more muscle fibers during a lift, allowing you to contract more muscle and enabling you to produce more force. 59ce067264
Apr 10, 2023
In Welcome to the Forum
Articulatio Temporomandibularis LINK === The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a hinge type synovial joint that connects the mandible to the rest of the skull. More specifically, it is an articulation between the mandibular fossa and articular tubercle of the temporal bone, and the condylar process of the mandible. Even though the TMJ is classified as a synovial-type joint, it is atypical in that its articular surfaces are lined by fibrocartilage rather than hyaline cartilage. In anatomy, the temporomandibular joints (TMJ) are the two joints connecting the jawbone to the skull. It is a bilateral synovial articulation between the temporal bone of the skull above and the mandible below; it is from these bones that its name is derived. This joint is unique in that it is a bilateral joint that functions as one unit. Since the TMJ is connected to the mandible, the right and left joints must function together and therefore are not independent of each other.[1] Az állkapocsízület (Articulatio temporomandibularis) a koponya egyetlen valódi ízülete, mely az állkapcsot a koponyához rögzíti, ugyanakkor lehetővé teszi az állkapocs elmozdulását. Az ízület két résében két különböző mozgás valósul meg. Az alsó, discomandibularis üregben forgó mozgás történik egy harántirányú tengely körül (az állkapocs feje (caput mandibulae) előrefelé forog a saját tengelye körül). Az articulatio discomandibularis egy forgó (ginglymus) ízületként működik. Ez a mozgás zajlik le egy kb. 15-os szájnyitásig (mikor az alsó és felső metszőfogak (dens incisivus) közötti távolság nem több, mint 2 cm). További szájnyitáshoz már a felső üregben zajló csúszó mozgás is szükséges. Ilyenkor az oldalsó röpizom nemcsak az állkapocs fejecsét húzza előre a (tuberculum articularen), hanem az ízületi korongot is. A szájnyitás és zárás tényleges ízületi tengelye a kétodali (foramen mandibulaet) összekötő haránt vonal. (Ez megakadályozza a nervus alvolaris inferior megfeszülését, egyben a mandibula nyitásával és zárásával meghatározható a foramen helye az ideg vezetéses érzéstelenítéséhez.) Rágáskor az állkapocs két feje ellentétes irányba mozog egy függőleges tengely körül. Az articulatio temporomandibularisokban az őrlő mozgást forgó mozgás egészíti ki, mivel a fogak rágás közben nemcsak oldalra mozognak, de zúznak is. ARTICULATIO TEMPOROMANDIBULARIS Temporomandibular joint. Allows for movement of the mandible for speech and mastication Most frequently used articulation Their correct functioning, several other vegetative and relational functions more or less are based on their performance Adaptable. Hyper mobility Subluxation Self-reducing, incomplete dislocation of a joint in which the patient is able to close his or her mouth without assistance Luxation (true dislocation) Joint is displaced from its articulations and requires manipulation by another individual to return to its normal position Chapter 5ArthrologyGeneralArticulations, or joints (articulationes [juncturae] ossium), are formed when two or more bones are united by fibrous, elastic, or cartilaginous tissue or by a combination of these tissues. Three main groups are recognized and named according to their most characteristic structural features. Where little movement is required, the union is short, direct, and often transitory. A fibrous joint (junctura fibrosa), formerly known as a synarthrosis, is one of this nature. Such joints include syndesmoses, sutures, and gomphoses. A cartilaginous joint (junctura cartilaginea), formerly known as an amphiarthrosis, permits only limited movement, such as compression or stretching. A synovial joint (junctura synovialis) formerly known as a diarthrosis or true joint, facilitates mobility. The studies of Kadletz (1932) provide detailed information on the arthrology of the dog, and the well-documented work of Barnett et al. (1961) discusses the structure and mechanics of synovial joints in considerable detail. 59ce067264
Apr 10, 2023
In Welcome to the Forum
Cheapest Place To Buy Washer And Dryer Set Click Here ->->->-> The washer/dryer Samsung set was delivered timely although on back order and my son and daughter-in-law were so excited to wash clothes in their new place and enjoyed just looking at it! Luiz made it happen after my follow up calls and I would work with him again! The Habitat ReStore carries new and gently used refrigerators, ovens, ranges, dishwashers, microwaves, exhaust hoods, washers, dryers, and other home appliances. We maintain high standards for our donations. Most used appliances at ReStore are less than five years old and in great condition. We have a return policy of two weeks on all appliance purchases. Just as some refrigerator brands are better than others, some washer and dryer brands have a better reputation than others. We spoke to a few esteemed experts, who revealed the best washer and dryer brands to invest in this year. Need more advice Here is the best time to buy a washer and dryer and a step-by-step guide to doing the laundry. LG offers an online store where you can shop the LG brand. When you place the washer or dryer in the cart, LG will check your zip code and let you know if they can ship to your area. Otherwise, you can press the button to find another retailer. The GE UltraFresh Vent System Front Load Washer and Electric Dryer Set with Odorblock is an excellent choice for a large front load washer and dryer set in 2022. The set runs around $2300 at this time. Finding the best deals on washers and dryers can be challenging, especially as machines rarely break while a sale is happening. Do some research online before heading down to your local appliance sellers to find a new washer and dryer so you can find the best deal available to you. However, you also need to consider your budget as well. Replacing both the washer and the dryer at the same time is expensive. It may be better to replace the broken machine and wait to replace the other machine when it gives out later. The first consideration should be what type of configuration or setup will work best in your home. A small apartment may need to have the washer and dryer stacked. A large laundry room may have plenty of room for the washer and dryer to sit next to each other. Another feature you might want to consider is dual-bin washers and dryers. The dual-bin washers allow you to wash two loads of clothing such as whites and colors at the same time instead of needing to run two separate loads. You can find many excellent places to buy washers and dryers both online and at physical locations. Be sure to check the pricing of the places you visit. Also, check the cost of installation and delivery as that can add to the price of your new washer and dryer. This stackable pair is ideal for laundry rooms where depth can be a challenge. In general, LG makes the shallowest full-size washer-dryer models. At a slim 30-inch depth, this LG stackable washer is definitely one of the best choices if depth is a concern in your laundry room. Anyone out there who wants to save but doesn't want to skimp on modern features in both the washer and dryer Look no further: This Samsung WF45B6300AW comes in at an unbeatable price compared to its peers. Bonus: Both the washer and matching dryer are compatible with the Samsung Smart Washer/Dryer app, which allows you to stay connected to your machines and troubleshoot any problems using your smartphone. This GE washer and dryer has larger capacity than most of the front load washers on the market. Its 5.0 cu. ft. interior can hold king-size bedding with ease. It will allow you to fit more in each wash to prevent neverending laundry sessions. Apartment dwellers and their landlords love this model, as do those adding second-floor laundry who need to fit a washer and dryer into a closet. Bosch is renowned for its reliability, and we think these machines are small but mighty. The Miele WXR860WCS washer is the only residential product on the market that offers a whopping 1,600 RPM spinning motor. This feature makes it possible for you to quickly get rid of excess water, leaving less work for the dryer, and shortening the drying time. The LG WashTower is a shorter, two-in-one unit. It combines a full-sized, fully featured, modern front-load washer with a matching steam dryer in one \"tower\" (thus the name). The controls are in the middle, between the two doors. This innovation not only places the controls at a convenient level, it also helps shave about six inches off the overall height so it can fit in spaces with lower ceilings. Full-size washers and dryers are typically 27 inches wide. You'll find a few 29- and 30-inch models out there, but those aren't stackable. The interior volume's at least 4.5 cu. ft. for the washer and 7.0 cu. ft. for the dryer. Apartment size or compact unit washer and dryer models are 24 inches wide and ventless. The standard interior volume is 2.2 cu. ft. for the washer and 4.2 cu. ft. for the dryer. The main benefit of a compact stackable laundry set is installation versatality. In addition to being smaller, the dryer doesn't need to be vented to the exterior of your home. You may be wondering if you need a stacking kit for your washer and dryer, and how difficult it is to do on your own. Although it may seem intimidating, stacking a washer and dryer is pretty straightforward and simple. In fact, the only parts involved are a front load dryer, front load washer, and a separate stacking kit. The stacking kit secures the two machines together safely and solidly. You should never try to stack your washer and dryer without a stacking kit. Even minimal vibrations could cause them to shift, resulting in the top machine falling off. This could damage your home or injure a family member. Please be safe. There may only be a handful of Martha Stewarts out there who actually enjoy doing laundry, but it's still exciting to get a new stackable washer and dryer for your home. The new finish, better cleaning technology, and faster wash times will make the chore easier and much more doable. But you don't necessarily want to buy the first set you lay eyes on. Expert help can be hard to come by in your local home improvement store or when shopping online. Since it can be difficult to get good advice, many people make mistakes when buying a stackable washer and dryer. Take note of which direction your washer and dryer doors should swing open. Some models have reversible hinges to swing in either direction based on your space's needs, but many don't. Make sure your space will allow you to open your washer and dryer doors fully, put clothes in, and pull them out. Sometimes cabinet doors, closet doors, and even attic pull-down ladders can get in the way. Some side-by-side laundry arrangements place the washer and dryer on pedestals in order to add storage space underneath. You won't need pedestals if you're switching to a stacked configuration. Pedestals aren't practical because they raise the dryer so high that just about anyone would have a tough time reaching the controls. Are stackable washers and dryers full-sizeYes, many are. Most manufacturers make full-size (27-inch width) stackable washer and dryer models. A handful of manufacturers like Bosch and Miele offer only compact stackable models, which measure 24 inches wide. Which stackable washer and dryer brands are the most reliableAll of our top picks are some of the most reliable washer and dryers on the market. Generally, the top brands for reliabilty include Samsung, Bosch, Electrolux, LG, and Miele, among other brands. We recommend that you do some research to determine which of the most reliable picks fit your needs best. Are stackable washer and dryers as good as side-by-side onesYes. We find that, in general, front load machines perform better all around than top load machines do, whether or not you stack them. Top load machines, of course, can only sit side by side. Ultimately, when you're dealing with a smaller laundry room, a stackable washer and dryer is a necessity. What are stackable washer and dryer dimensionsThe dimensions of a full-size stackable washer and dryer are as follows: approximately 27 inches wide, 76 inches tall, and 32 inches deep. When you decide to purchase a washer and dryer, you're making an investment in appliances that are designed to last for years. Because these appliances are used on a daily, biweekly, or weekly basis, you want to select the high-efficiency washer and dryer that reflect the brands you know and trust. So whether you need a front-loading washer or high-efficiency top-load washer, you'll find a huge selection of washer and dryer rentals at RAC. One of the world's more popular brands is Maytag, and at RAC you'll find the perfect Maytag washer and dryer to meet your family's needs. Because RAC has a robust lineup of washers and dryers, knowing a few things about these rent-to-own appliances will help you make the right selection. Decide if you want a top-loading Maytag, Whirlpool, and Amana, with the door located on the top of the unit, or a front-loading Maytag, Whirlpool, or Amana dryer, with the door located on the front. Also take into account the number of people who will use your washer and select a machine with the capacity to handle your entire household's needs. And finally, make sure your washer and dryer rentals have the ENERGY STAR designation, which means you use less water and electricity with every load. Stop by your nearest RAC location to find the right Maytag, Whirlpool, or Amana, washer and dryer today. At RAC, each high-efficiency washer and dryer offers the cleaning and drying power you need to keep your clothes fresh and new looking longer. While a top-load model (the GE Appliances 4.8-Cubic-Foot GTW720BSNWS Top-Load Washer) is the cheapest option in the list, a front-load washing machine, the Samsung 4.5-Cubic-Foot WF45T6000A Front-Load Washer, is only $50 more. If you want a cheap front-load washer, look for one that has all the features you need without being too high-tech. 59ce067264
Apr 10, 2023
In Welcome to the Forum
[S1E7] My Three Suns DOWNLOAD ->>> After the ship lands, Fry is assigned the task of making the delivery trek across the desert under the planet's three blazing suns. When he arrives at his destination, the Trisolian palace, he finds it empty. Stricken with thirst, he grabs a bottle of blue liquid that is sitting on the throne and drinks it. Armed Trisolians, who are revealed to be liquid-based organisms, storm the throne room, revealing that the bottle Fry drank actually contained the emperor Bont the Viscous. Rather than being punished, Fry is declared the new emperor. Shortly afterward, he opens the package that he was delivering, to reveal a \"Please don't drink the Emperor\" sign. Ironically, Fry declares that the package arrived just in time. At the coronation, Fry recites the oath properly and is sworn in as Fry the Solid. As the suns set, the Trisolians begin to glow - including the alive-and-well emperor Bont from inside Fry's stomach. Bont demands that Fry be cut open and drained. Prof. Farnsworth: Good news everyone!Bender: I don't like the sound of this.Prof. Farnsworth: You're all off to Trisol, a planet with three suns-Bender: Here it comes-Prof. Farnsworth: Deep in the heart of the Forbidden Zone!Bender: Thank you and goodnight. Hermes threatens to cut Bender's salary since Bender has no official duties at Planet Express. Inspired by the Neptunian TV chef Elzar, Bender decides to become the ship's cook. Professor Farnsworth then sends the crew, accompanied by Amy and Dr. Zoidberg, on a delivery to the planet Trisol. After the ship lands, Fry is assigned the task of making the delivery across the desert under the heat of the planet's three suns. When he arrives at the Trisolian palace, he finds it empty. After eating a slug and drinking salt water provided by Bender, he becomes thirsty and drinks from a bottle containing a clear liquid that is sitting on the throne. Armed Trisolians, who are revealed to be liquid-based organisms, storm the throne room, revealing that the bottle Fry drank actually contained their emperor. Fry is sent to make a delivery on the planet of Trisol, but is stricken by extreme thirst after traveling on foot under the planet's three blazing suns and drinks what appears to be a bottle of water. It turns out that the \"water\" was in fact the emperor of the planet's liquid-based inhabitants, and Fry is declared the planet's new emperor. Before Fry's coronation, Leela tries to warn him that each of the planet's emperors have been killed and succeeded on a weekly basis, but Fry refuses to listen and Leela vows to never help him again. When the sun sets after Fry's coronation, the Trisolians begin to glow, including the previous emperor, who is still alive in Fry's stomach and orders him to be cut open and drained. Leela ultimately decides to help save Fry from being killed by beating him up, causing Fry to weep in pain and gradually cry out the emperor. Fry gets incredibly hot on his walk to the palace because of the three suns. He arrives and finds a bottle of water which he drinks. He accidentally drinks the former emperor and so becomes emperor himself. Later, Leela scolds Fry on his carelessness. They get into an argument where Fry tells Leela to stop helping him. Fry delivers his coronation speech with success, but the changing of the suns reveals that the former emperor is in Fry's stomach. They are forced to lock themselves in the palace because the beings attempt to open up Fry to let out the emperor. Amy comes up with the idea for Fry to cry out the emperor but he has trouble getting emotional. Bender calls Leela who comes to help. Her and Fry make up for their fight and Leela starts beating on Fry causing him to cry out the emperor. This episode of Bald is proudly brought to you by the National Bathroom Sex Toy Safety Council, reminding you to always follow the three W's before your wet 'n wild adventures: \"Wash, Warm-Up, & WERK.\" As winter stretches its legs for one last sprint before Spring arrives, we'd l ... Show more From the windy city famous for its decadent Deep-Dish Pizza, dill pickle-laden Chicago Dogs, and the local spirit Malort (which can best be described as \"What would happen if a pungent overripe fruit had a drunken threesome with a can of gasoline and a pile of herbs,\") comes over ... Show more I can't get over the cutie mark. This isn't like Carrot Top/Golden Harvest where it's a question of two carrots vs. three carrots. Maybe better-quality images of both the toy card and the show pony would reveal that the cutie marks are, in fact, the same, but they don't look the same to me. On the other hand, I couldn't find another background pony that matches the toy better. So, difficult. --Tulipclaymore 05:58, January 20, 2012 (UTC) I'm really hesitant to label \"Cloud Kicker\" as Lily Blossom. Aside from her unique design (something which can be likewise claimed by only three other ponies of the toy line), Lily Blossom has had a lot of marketing efforts put into her, being released back in Wave 1 as both a Mystery Pack toy and Playful Pony toy (and in one of those special edition bundle packs, no less) and now even appearing as a toy in the 2012 McDonald's Happy Meals. That's nothing to sneeze at; Cloud Kicker just doesn't have enough significance to warrant such things. I wouldn't be surprised if Lily Blossom is going to turn up in the show at some point--with her own unique design. --Pikmanipulator 20:46, February 20, 2012 (UTC) Based in Tokyo, Jack has been writing about Japanese pop culture for six years now, and loves cosplaying any time he gets a chance. He is also a gamer, hiker, wannabe barista, and proud herbivore. His passion is bringing news straight from Japan to you, in English, keeping the otaku world accessible for everyone. He lives with his two rescued street cats, Nezuko and Chachamaru. Jack has lived in Japan for ten years now, three in a small city and seven in downtown Tokyo. He writes part time for GameRant, mostly anime-related news stories covering events, products, premiers, cafes, and more in Japan, and works full time in the HR industry. When he's not working, Jack is playing PlayStation 5, working on his sci-fi novel at a cafe, or planning his next backpacking trip. He also gets tattooed on a pretty regular basis. Follow him on Instagram and send a message if you like his work! 59ce067264
Apr 10, 2023
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BC - Four In Hand.avi.mp4 Download === By the mid-2000s and the years after, Apple with its iPod was the best selling DAP/PMP by a significant margin, with one of out four sold worldwide being an iPod. It was especially dominant in the United States where it had over 70% of sales at different points in time,[8] is nearest competitor in 2006 being SanDisk.[53] Apple also led in Japan over its homegrown makers Sony and Panasonic during this time,[53] although the gap between Apple and Sony had closed by about 2010.[54] In South Korea, the market was led by local brands iriver, Samsung and Cowon as of 2005.[55] To refer to input files in options, you must use their indices (0-based). E.g.the first input file is 0, the second is 1, etc. Similarly, streamswithin a file are referred to by their indices. E.g. 2:3 refers to thefourth stream in the third input file. Also see the Stream specifiers chapter. Set minimum/maximum quantisation values. Valid range is from 0 to 63(warning: this does not match the quantiser values actually used by AV1- divide by four to map real quantiser values to this range). Defaultsto min/max (no constraint). Note: DeckLink SDK 11.0 have replaced the duplex property by a profile property.For the DeckLink Duo 2 and DeckLink Quad 2, a profile is shared between any 2sub-devices that utilize the same connectors. For the DeckLink 8K Pro, a profileis shared between all 4 sub-devices. So DeckLink 8K Pro support four profiles. Waveforms of individual air bubble sounds, and individual FRT ticks are compared on the same 500 ms time scale after filtering around 500 Hz to 6000 Hz (amplitudes are relative and not directly comparable). (A) Single bubble from bottom sediment gas seep, (B) single bubble from alewife gills, (C) single bubble from white sucker, (D) two ticks from an alewife FRT, (E) three ticks from a rainbow trout FRT, (F) three ticks from a brown trout bubble FRT, (G) multiple ticks from a brown trout VFRT, and (H) four ticks from a Pacific herring FRT. Our observations of air movement sound and associated behavior for white sucker are similar to those reported for the Eastern creek chubsucker (Moxostoma oblongus, Catostomidae; [24]. Chubsucker were reported to produce four or five sounds in a single bout, whereas white sucker were found to produce sounds in bouts of 3 to 11 snorts in this study (Table 1). Abbot [24] described chubsucker sounds in association with air-bubble discharge, however, it is not clear if they were coincident with bubble emission or occurred after bubble release as in the white sucker. We suggest that measurements of the pulse structure of the VFRT sounds (e.g., number of ticks, tick rate, period, frequency, etc.) may be particularly useful for PAM. In addition, several of the observed behavioral and acoustic differences among the salmonid species have potential for use in PAM surveys. All frequency and sound duration parameters exhibited differences among the four salmonid species (Tables 3 and 4, Fig 10C). Multivariate analysis based on data pooled over all sound types suggests that brook and brown trout sound parameters overlap but differ strongly from rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon which were different from each other (Fig 10). Rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon were more likely to make a detectable splash sound than either brook or brown trout, and their most frequent sound was the gurgle. Brown trout were the most prolific sound producers among the captive trout but tended to make quiet air gulps and almost always produced VFRT sounds. Brook trout were the least sound productive but produced similar VFRT and snitch sounds as those of the brown trout. The proton gradient across the cristae membrane is generated by three large membrane protein complexes of the respiratory chain in the cristae, known as complex I (NADH/ubiquinone oxidoreductase), III (cytochrome c reductase) and IV (cytochrome c oxidase) (Fig. 2). Complex I feeds electrons from the soluble carrier molecule NADH into the respiratory chain and transfers them to a quinol in the membrane. The energy released in the electron transfer reaction is utilized for pumping four protons from the matrix into the crista lumen. Complex III takes the electrons from the reduced quinol and transfers them to the small, soluble electron carrier protein cytochrome c, pumping one proton in the process. Finally, complex IV transfers the electrons from cytochrome c to molecular oxygen and contributes to the proton gradient by using up four protons per consumed oxygen molecule to make water. Complex II (succinate dehydrogenase) transfers electrons from succinate directly to quinol and does not contribute to the proton gradient. 59ce067264
Apr 10, 2023
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Where Can I Buy A Kenmore Refrigerator Water Filter Click Here ===> Kenmore refrigerator water filters are certified by the NSF to remove chlorine taste and odor (NSF standard 42). Many Kenmore water filters also can remove lead and cysts (NSF standard 53), and some have passed additional NSF certification tests and are certified to remove volatile organic compounds, pharmaceuticals and some pesticides (NSF standard 401). Learn more about NSF certification here. Not sure which is the right filter for your refrigerator Use our Refrigerator Water Filter Finder for help. For video on how to install your water filter, check out our What type of water filter is in your Kenmore refrigerator article. Filter 9130 fits Kenmore and Kenmore Elite 111-series French door refrigerators. Kenmore and Kenmore Elite refrigerators with model numbers that start will 111 have their water filter located in the top right corner of the refrigerator section. To replace filter 9690, open the water filter cover then pull the filter down until it stops. Pull the filter out and replace it with the new one. Lift the filter up and close the water filter cover. Run 2 gallons of water through the water dispenser to purge air and residue. Filter 9083 fits select Kenmore and Kenmore Elite 106-series side-by-side refrigerators. This filter fits in the bottom grill of the refrigerator below the freezer door. Push the ejection button to release and remove the filter. Transfer the decorative cap from the old filter to the new one. Push the new filter into the housing until it clicks.Sears PartsDirect has replacement decorative caps for the 9083 filter. The black cap is part WP2260518B and the white cap is part WP2260518W. Your refrigerator's water and ice dispenser is more than a quick way to get a cool drink of water. When the right water filter is in place, your fridge will also be a source of clean, pure water that will keep you and your family healthy and hydrated. Find out why it's important to replace the filter on time, what the filter does, how to replace it and more. Regular replacement of the filter is critical to maintaining their effectiveness and reducing bacterial contamination. An overused or out-of-date filter can become dangerous because the filter will no longer trap contaminants, allowing them to leach back into your water. For the safety of you and your loved ones, it's important not to put off replacement too long. More than just making your water look and taste good, fridge filters can remove a variety of contaminants that can cause illness. Some can filter out as many as 66 different contaminants including pharmaceuticals, waterborne parasites, lead and mercury, pesticides, asbestos and industrial chemicals. Drinking water filtered by your refrigerator will help you and your loved ones stay healthy and hydrated. All refrigerators that come with a water dispenser include a filtration system that removes impurities so that you have clean, great tasting water. Old refrigerator filters can develop a build up of the captured contaminants, which can cause your water quality to drop and result in an unpleasant smell or taste. Over time, filters can also become a breeding ground for bacteria that can actually contaminate your drinking water instead of cleaning it. Replacing your fridge filter ensures clean, safe drinking water. Most manufacturers recommend replacing the filter every six months, depending on water quality and use. If there's a lot of sediment in your system, it may need to be replaced more frequently. If you have a large family that drinks a lot of water, it'll need to be replaced more often than a single person's filter. Like cars, computers and cell phones, water filtration systems are continually being updated and improved. One of the most common enhancements is the filter's ability to remove contaminants. WhirlPool recently released a completely new line of filters that now remove 66 different contaminants, a significant increase over their previous line. While the name and some features of a filter may change, the shape and fit of it does not. So when you search for your filter number and it's listed as discontinued, there's always a perfect-fitting replacement option with a different name or number. A change in the flavor of your filtered water is a sign that the water filter needs to be replaced. As the filter is used, the particles filtered out are collected and eventually build up to the point that the filter can't do its job anymore. After you replace the filter the water should taste good again. If there is stuff floating in your water, it's time to replace your fridge filter. Your filter has become too old to trap contaminates so they are passing through the system and ending up in your glass. A new filter should fix the issue. Filters are usually labeled with their name and part number, but you can also use our Fridge Filter Finder tool to order the right filter for your fridge. Also, your refrigerator model number should be printed on a label that's place in your fridge. It should be inside on an upper wall, on the fridge's face frame, behind a crisper drawer or behind the lower kick plate. Possibly. It depends on the brand and model of your fridge. The majority of refrigerators do not need the water to be turned off, but a few brands, like Samsung do. The installation instructions will tell you if it's need. If your refrigerator has an indicator that tells you when to change the filter, it needs to be reset when you replace the filter. Each manufacturer has different instructions for resetting the indicator. Amana: Press and hold the dispenser lock and auto light buttons on the dispenser (at the same time) for 4 seconds until the filter status indicator begins to flash, and then release the buttons. On some Amana fridges you need to press the dispenser lock and water buttons for 4 seconds until the filter status indicator begins to flash, then release the buttons. Samsung: Press and hold the ice type and child lock buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds. Note: Hold the buttons for only 3 seconds. If you press these two buttons simultaneously for 5 seconds, the reset fails. Release the buttons and repeat the steps. The water filter indicator light should turn green. Under the Kenmore name are a variety of appliances that range from barbecue grills to washing machines and water softeners to sewing machines, just to name a few. Kenmore products also include accessories like refrigerator water filters produced by various brands. The models 46-9906, 46-9910 and 46-9911 are all units created by Frigidaire. Model Numbers 46-9010, 46-9020, 46-9030 and 46-9902 all correspond to refrigerator water filter models manufactured by Whirlpool. With the availability of so many refrigerator water filters in the market, choosing the right filtering system for your home can be overwhelming. Kenmore provides consumers a wide array of brands and models to choose from under the Sears corporate umbrella. Need a replacement part for your refrigerator Search for and order refrigerator parts and accessories such as water installation kits, air filters, or a specific water filter. Check the model number of your Kenmore appliance to see what parts are compatible. Feel free to contact us if you aren't sure what you need. Enjoy 6 months of clean, fresh water with this Kenmore Replacement Refrigerator Filter. This filter is NSF-certified to reduce lead, asbestos, chlorine taste and odor, sediment and trace pharmaceuticals.* Reduces, lead, asbestos, chlorine taste and odor, sediment and pharmaceuticals Long-life filter (6 months) for fewer changes Compatible with select Kenmore refrigerators NSF Certified Kenmore water filter (part number 9911) has NSF certifications 42, 53, 372 and 401. It reduces parasites, lead, chlorine taste and odor, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and some pesticides and pharmaceuticals.Water filter 9911 fits select Kenmore side-by-side refrigerators with a front-cassette filter.Replace every 6 months, or more often if water flow slows noticeably.Follow package instructions when you install this genuine Kenmore water filter.Water filter 9911 replaces earlier filter part numbers 240396401, 240396402 and 240396403. We use a high-quality carbon block. The porous structure provides absorption and reliable protection from substances that do not belong in drinking water. With our filter, the useful minerals and fluorides remain in the water while the harmful particles are filtered out. After replacing the filter on a GE Profile PFSS9PKY French Door water would not dispense. I put the old filter on and it worked fine. I have tried the Ge brand as well as another brand filter and had the same result. I followed the directions for filling the filter first with out success. The fridge would make a hammering noise only with the new filter which would then stop however no water would come out or sometimes very little water would come out at first then nothing. After a couple months with the old filter I tried again with the new filter and now water will not come out with either the old or new filter. thanks funshine45 that was the solution to my problem! I thought all these other solutions sounded like over kill! After a new filter installed on a refrigerator that was working fine - both water and ice suddenly needs all these parts replaced and a repairman (and a big bill!) that would make a fellow never want to change water filter again! If the refrigerator water dispenser is not working the water supply tube in the door may be frozen. This will be difficult to track down. Look for a connection point at the bottom or top of the door, try removing the hose and blowing air through it and out the dispenser. If air passes through, it's not frozen. If not, thaw it out. and determine where it froze in the door. Most doors are foamed in with a sleeve the water line goes thru to the dispenser. The freezer temp should be kept from 0 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit. If it is too cold the water line in the door may freeze. 59ce067264
Apr 10, 2023
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Apr 10, 2023
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Nude Teen Girl Athletes Nude Teen Girl Athletes >>> Alecia Fox is a perfect, petite Russian teen. She's a little hippie girl at heart but with a sexy and athletic body. This is a homemade amateur porn video with her. She fucks with so much passion. It was amazing to make this POV video with her. At the bi-annual Female Athlete Conference, Dr. Chirban gave a talk highlighting the issues related to the sexualization of girls and the implications of sexualization and self-objectification on both male and female athletes. Researchers have found that girls with higher levels of internalized sexualization (the girls that buy in) were more likely to: dress in a sexualized manner; report body surveillance; experience body shame; express femininity; endorse gender stereotypes and obtain lower grades on standardized tests (McKenney & Bigler, 2010). Some of the consequences of internalized sexualization includes rise in rates of breast augmentation in girls under 18 and 4 to 10% of 12-17 year-olds have sent nude or nearly nude images of themselves over text message or the internet. Romantic teen drama revolves around a rich prep-school boy who falls in love with a small-town girl, and then finds out she has a terminal illness. The movie begins entertainingly enough - two enemies must set aside their differences to help rebuild the town's diner. Meanwhile, both have eyes for the same girl. But it suffers from a weak script and an overly sentimental and predictable plot. Sobieski's expressionless face doesn't help either. By Lisa Leigh Parney 59ce067264
Apr 10, 2023
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Where To Buy Bedside Lamps Click Here > I really appreciate this explanation! Thank you! I have the exact same Target lamps as the ones you have! Just made your article all the more useful to me since I think I chose lamp shades that are slightly too big. With an elegant shape inspired by cutting into a stalk of bamboo, this wireless light has a dimmable bulb on one end and a digital alarm clock on the other. You simply shake to snooze and flip it over to turn off the alarm, which then triggers the warm ambient light to glow. If you have an alarm clock and bedside lamp cluttering your nightstand, this is an easy way to save space by combining both. Our popular Bell table lamps are an exercise in reductionism, reflecting the characteristics of their surroundings from their polished surface. And our contemporary Beat task lamps are hand sculpted by artisan craftsmen in Northern India, taking the traditional brass work techniques used to create water vessels and using them to create new objects of sculptural simplicity. An excellent décor element for any home, table lamps are not only pretty looking but also extremely convenient to set up and style. Bring its magnificence home and shop for the widest variety of table lamps online at Vaaree! Colors can make or break the appeal of your entire home. If you want to leave a classy impact with your table lamps, be extremely mindful of your pick. For instance, table lamps for the living room can be printed and popped. However, dining room lights should be comparatively mellow. Whether you need some extra light for a reading nook or just intend to spice up the bedroom, at Vaaree we have striking table lamp options for you! Ranging from trendy table lamps for study to classic lamps with shade, we have something for every taste and tabletop! The best table lamps to buy online absolutely depend on your usage. If you are a bookworm, get a reading lamp. Likewise, if you write/work or do any intricate tasks on your desk, an LED table lamp is recommended. Clean lines and a modern, short drum-shaped shade update the classic swing-arm style of the Wenham table lamp. A mix of black and brass metals adds mid-century flare. The white fabric shade has soft flecks of natural colors, revealing a unique and beautiful texture when lit. Swing the arm to focus light where you desire. The bulb is not included. Table lamps are not only a good source of soft and subtle mood lighting. They are also a striking piece as a feature lamp in most interior design, generally coupled in pairs. They add character and style to many interior designs, with the broad range available and the use of so many different materials. Choose from glass, metal, timber and material shades to find the right table lamp that will give your application the personal touch desired. To filter the table lamps by material used, click on the Table Lamps tab in the Navigation menu. Lamps are great for illuminating a relatively small area with soft and cozy light. They make an unassuming but attractive addition to any room. People commonly use table lamps on end tables, desks, workbenches, bedside tables, and other areas where a targeted light source makes reading and other activities easier. You can find a table lamp to fit any decorative style, from modern chic to flamboyant Avant-garde. Create a mood with a beautiful matching pair of glass lamps, or keep it strictly practical with a single traditional desk lamp. No matter what style you prefer, we have a table lamp for you. Our table lamps come in a variety of materials, including wood, metal, and glass. In addition, we have touch lamps, dimmable lamps, and more attention-catching ones like the gorgeous JAVARONE dome-shaped glass lamp. With so many table lamps to choose from here at Bassett, make a bold statement, or add an element of whimsy to your bedroom or living room. A pair of tall table lamps can add elegance to an office desk or sideboard. The possibilities are endless when you shop for the extensive collection of table lamps at Bassett Furniture. Set two or three lamps in larger rooms on each end table to provide ample lighting to your room. Try choosing lights in the same set to ensure they complement the room's decor and so the lampshade colors are the same. Also, consider where you'll be placing floor lamps relative to the table lamps. It's essential to spread light sources out in a room so there isn't a saturation of light in one area and many shadows in other areas. Our design experts at Bassett say your table lamps should be tall enough for the bottom of the lampshade to be eye level with the person sitting beside it. If the lamp height is correct, this allows for the perfect amount of light without glare from the bulb. Bedside table lamps should be no taller than 19 to 21 inches from the top of the mattress to ensure the bulb's light will not disturb you. Different room types work well with different kinds of table lamps. In common areas such as living rooms or entertainment rooms, table lamps can light a room without obstructing any views or focal points for guests. Living rooms naturally encourage good conversation, so making sure lighting is balanced is key. A small table lamp on your bedside table can be ideal for bedrooms. End table lamps in your bedroom can provide perfect lighting for reading without taking up too much room on your nightstand. A less simple look for a desk lamp can be ideal for your office, where the room's function is more important than its design. Bassett Furniture has the widest selection of table lamps around. When you shop with Bassett, you have plenty of design and material options to match any room. We feature lamps made of bone, concrete, crystal, glass, iron, metal, resin, wood, and ceramic table lamps. There are many benefits to table lamps, one being that they are very convenient to turn on; all you have to do is flip a small switch or pull a cord. Also, lamps only illuminate a specific area, so you don't have to worry about too bright a room. In addition, they're perfect if you do not want to disturb a person sleeping next to you with a lot of light. Table lamps make great night lights, so you can keep them on all night without using a lot of electricity. Finally, table lamps make a perfect decorative element. Explore countless designs for table lamps and lighting when you shop Bassett online. The most important thing to remember is that these table lamps are all available in one convenient location, right here at At Pagazzi Lighting, we pride ourselves on our comprehensive selection of exclusive Pagazzi table lamps as well as our range from well-known lighting brands such as Dar Lighting, Endon & Searchlight at incredible prices. All products featured on our website are in stock and ready to ship Next Day Delivery* Change the ambience of your home with the flick of a switch with one of our table lamps. Get ready to transform your living room or bedroom into a snug reading corner or add task lighting to your home office or study. Apart from changing the mood or atmosphere at home, table lamps will enhance your existing interiors. Many of our table lamps come as part of a collection which includes matching floor lamps and ceiling lights. At Pagazzi we have large and small table lamps for every space! There are no limits when it comes to the diversity of table lamps. Shades also come in all shapes and sizes with luxurious metallic, faux silk and modern pleated styles topping the bestseller list. 59ce067264
Apr 10, 2023
In Welcome to the Forum
Buy Here Pay Here Russellville Ky DOWNLOAD > Welcome to Big Boys Auto Sales, where we make customer satisfaction our first priority.Big Boys Auto Sales is proud to be a member of the Russellville, KY business community and to bring one of the greatest selections of used automobiles in the region. Our entire team is dedicated to meeting the needs of our customers in every way possible, changing the way you approach the automotive shopping process, and helping you get into the right vehicle for you and your family with affordable, flexible financing options. Although our specialty is wooden storage sheds, over the years we have developed a number of outdoor building lines. This includes storage buildings, prefab garages, gazebos, outdoor playhouses, animal shelters, and prefab cabins. With 6 different designs of outdoor structures, there is an outdoor storage solution for you! Some of the more common are the wooden barn shed, the quaker garden shed, and the deluxe wood storage shed. However, we also build the A-roof wood sheds and the Lancaster sheds for sale. Our goal is to provide for your outdoor storage needs. To do this we offer a variety of outdoor storage buildings. The process of buying the shed was so easy-I was shown around the lot and there was no pressure. I appreciate that I was left alone to look around myself!- When the shed was delivered to our home Sam did a great job of explaining and was very efficient! Thank you! Whether you're looking for new furniture for your home refresh or shiny new bike to take you from point A to point B, you can get all your shopping done in one easy trip to Walmart. From toys and video games to fashionable clothing and matching shoes for the whole family, your Russellville Walmart Superstore has it all. We're conveniently located at 120 Sam Walton Dr, Russellville, KY 42276 . We know that you're busy, so we're here for you every day from 6 am so you can get what you need when you need it. Looking for something specific or have a question about what we have in store Give us a call at 270-726-2880 and one of our friendly and knowledgeable associates will be happy to help you out. Getting an upfront price for junk removal is quick and easy with LoadUp. We offer pricing online before you book a pickup with our upfront price calculator. Simply enter your zip code and select the items you need removed to get started. Your guaranteed upfront price will update in real-time based on the items you select. If you are satisfied with the cost, continue booking to schedule your pickup date and enter your payment details to complete checkout. We charge upfront so there is no need for payment transactions in person. This allows you the comfort of knowing the cost before you book and the convenience of a fast junk removal appointment. Are you looking to sell a clunker that taking up space in your driveway is here to help! We offer Free junk car removal and Cash for junk cars in and around Russellville, Kentucky. Whether you have a Car, Truck, SUV, or Van, we'll take it off your hands and pay you for it. US Junk Cars was great! I called the night before, and they were there early the next morning. They were friendly, professional and gave me a good price for my car. I would absolutely call them again if I need to junk another car! I was in a tough situation where I needed to get rid of my damaged car quickly, and USJunkCars came to the rescue. They were able to provide me with a Highest price then others and pick up my car within 24 hours. The driver was courteous and efficient, and made the whole process stress-free. I was very impressed with the level of service I received from USJunkCars.Com and I will definitely be using them again in the future. Fall of 2019 was an exciting time for the R. J. Corman South Union Distribution Center in Woodburn, KY. This distribution center primarily handles large coils of steel and aluminum, but the operations there are expanding for a new endeavor that will include softwood transloading, warehousing... The R. J. Corman Railroad Group national headquarters is located in Central Kentucky in the City of Nicholasville. There are 73 strategically placed field offices in 23 different states across the US. Use the map to discover more about our locations. *ISCO Industries will not sell the name or any login information of our website viewers to any third party. All information gathered from users is only used to conduct our website and our business needs. Section 18-502, R.S. 1943, provides, for the purpose heretofore set out, that a municipality may issue mortgage bonds therefor. Such mortgage bonds shall not impose any general liability upon the municipality but shall be secured only on the property and revenues as hereinafter provided of such utility including a franchise stating the terms upon which, in case of foreclosure, the purchaser may operate the same, which franchise shall in no case extend for a period of longer than 20 years from the date of the sale thereof on foreclosure. Such mortgage bonds shall be sold for not less than par and bear interest at a rate not to exceed 6 percent per annum. The amount of such mortgage bonds, either issued or outstanding, shall not be included in computing the maximum amount of bonds which the said municipality may be authorized to issue under its charter or any statute of this state. Section 18-503, R.S.1943, provides that the governing body of such municipality may make all necessary rules and regulations governing the use, operation, and control of the sewerage system or disposal plant. The governing body may establish just and equitable rates or charges to be paid to it for the use of such disposal plant and sewerage system by each person, firm, or corporation whose premises are served thereby. If the service charge so established is not paid when due, such sum may be recovered by the municipality in an action of assumpsit, or it may be certified to the tax assessor and assessed against the premises served, and collected or returned in the same manner as other municipal taxes are certified, assessed, collected, and returned. Section 18-504, R.S.1943, provides that bonds which are issued and secured by a mortgage on the utility, as provided in section 18-502, shall not be a general obligation of the municipality, but shall be paid only out of the revenues received from the service charges as provided in section 18-503, or from a sale of the property and franchises under a foreclosure of the mortgage. If a service rate is charged, to be paid as herein provided, such portion thereof as may be deemed sufficient shall be set aside as a sinking fund for the payment of the interest on said bonds, and the principal thereof at maturity. Section 18-507, R.S.1943, provides, in part, whenever the governing body of any city extends or improves an existing sewerage system, upon approving plans and specifications thereof, it shall advertise for sealed bids a specified time in a legal newspaper published in the municipality, and the contract shall be awarded the lowest responsible bidder. Apparently the original sewage disposal plant of the city was built in 1918, and an addition made thereto in 1928. The present plant was put in operation in 1930 or 1931. Due to the growth in population and the extensive use to which the sewerage system and disposal plant had been put, the city officials in 1947 surveyed the possibility of an addition to the plant. Engineers were employed to investigate, report, and submit plans for consideration of the governing body of the city, which was done. It also appears that the city was involved in litigation concerning its sewage plant in Stuhr v. City of Grand Island, 120 Neb. 491, 233 N.W. 886. Stuhr was granted an injunction against the city from running its sanitary sewage through an open ditch across his lands and others into Wood River which is outside of the boundaries of the city, and then into the Platte River. The injunction was to stand unless the city made certain additions to its then existing sewerage system and disposal plant to correct the nuisance, which it did in 1931, and the injunction was dissolved. On June 1, 1949, the city, through its mayor and council, passed ordinances Nos. 2289 and 2290, which are too voluminous to detail but substantially conform to the sections of the statutes heretofore summarized. Ordinance No. 2289 may be summarized as follows: Section 1 set forth that it was necessary to establish rates for the use of the disposal plant and sewerage system to pay the principal and interest on revenue bonds. Section 3 established certain rates and minimum charges for the quantity of water used upon the premises as shown by the water meter. Section 7, for the most part, conforms to section 18-503, R.S. 1943, and in addition provided: \"Bills for the rental charges made by this ordinance shall be rendered at the same time that bills are rendered for water service of the City and all rental charges levied by this ordinance which are not paid at or before water service charges of the City are required to be paid shall be deemed to be delinquent and the water service of such consumer may be discontinued.\" Section 8 provided that charges shall be placed in a separate fund designated as a \"Sewerage Rental Fund,\" and to be used solely *773 for the purpose of paying principal and interest on the revenue bonds. Section 9 provided that the council may establish special rates applying to consumers where the service rates or rentals would be inequitable and unfair to either the city or the consumer. Ordinance No. 2290 refers to the bonds. There are 325 serial bonds of $1,000 each, redeemable at the option of the city at any time after five years. The first 84 bonds draw interest at the rate of 1 percent and the remainder at 2 3/8 percent per annum. The bonds are revenue obligations secured by a lien on the entire main sanitary sewerage system and disposal plant theretofore constructed, and all improvements to be made upon the same. Section 5 provided the city can collect just and equitable rates sufficient to pay the bonds and interest. Section 6 provided that the funds are to be deposited in a special fund known as the \"Sewerage Revenue Bond Fund.\" Section 12 provided that the principal and interest should be secured by a first mortgage lien upon the sewerage system theretofore existing, and thereafter provided that upon failure to pay, the owners of 60 percent of the bonds shall have the option to declare the bonds due and proceed to foreclose their lien in equity, and that the court might appoint a receiver to operate the property until the default is made good. Section 15 provided that if the property should be sold in foreclosure proceedings the purchaser should be vested with a franchise for 20 years to operate under the laws of this state to pay off the bonds and interest. 59ce067264
Apr 09, 2023
In Welcome to the Forum
Architect Commercial Drawing Software Download ===> CAD Pro is your leading source for commercial building design software; providing you with the many features needed to design your building office layouts and designs. We offer many building design layouts including office design, landscape design and furniture design. Check out our commercial designs above. For more information concerning our commercial design layouts, please feel free to contact us. Chief Architect software brings home design projects to life. Automated building tools for home design, interior design, and kitchen & bath design make it easy to create construction drawings, elevations, CAD details, and 3D models. The purpose of architecture software is to make the lives of practicing architects easier as they create blueprints, models, and other architectural works. The most beneficial programs aid architects in outlining their plans and bringing their visions to life digitally on a computer, where they can undergo analysis and stress testing through intelligent software before releasing their works into actual life. So I know Chief Architect is used primarily for residential and very limited light commercial, and that's great, but I'm starting to bring in larger commercial projects and I'm hoping someone has a comparable software recommendation for commercial projects. Not very familiar with Revit, but I suppose I could learn it. Would like something I could do a full design and engineering package in one application. What does everyone else use for their larger, more complicated projects I've often wondered this myself. Autocad architectural is what I used before Chief. Chief blows it out of the water in my opinion. It would be nice to do large commercial buildings, however, as a residential designer and not a licensed architect or engineer, there is a lot more that goes into that. You won't be stick framing a church, school or hospital. It's all metal structure and that's where my experience comes to a halt. I have 20 years of shipbuilding experience with I-beams, angles etc. but no clue on how commercial buildings are put together. I looked at revit before I bought chief and was still drawn to chief, so here I am. The purpose of this program is to prepare the students for employment in architectural, visual and civil engineering technology industries. The student will be required to have an understanding of but not limited to, the following areas: principles of drafting, architectural drafting, civil drafting, layout and design, application of the latest drawing software programs, current knowledge of building standards and codes as well as construction materials and specifications. The Architectural and Engineering Design Technology degree is designed to provide a pathway to the fields of architectural, visual and civil engineering technologies and to assist students in preparing architectural and structural construction documents, such as: residential projects, schools, office spaces and commercial/industrial buildings. In addition, the students develop skills in the production of presentational free-hand drawings, working models and various computer generated graphics. These means allow students to utilize specialized CAD software in solving design challenges both technically and graphically. The first thing you do in our free architecture software is to draw out a floor plan. Unlike traditional programs, this one makes this process effortless. Simply drag the walls across your plan and make all the changes necessary to make it perfect. Planner 5D is the kind of architecture software that is great for everyone. You can start right away and build your skills up as you go. What other reasons can we name that make our software stand out In software engineering and software architecture design, architectural decisions are design decisions that address architecturally significant requirements; they are perceived as hard to make[1] and/or costly to change.[2] Architectural decisions influence and impact the non-functional characteristics of a system. Each architectural decision describes a concrete, architecturally significant design issue (a.k.a. design problem, decision required) for which several potential solutions (a.k.a. options, alternatives) exist. An architectural decision captures the result of a conscious, often collaborative option selection process and provides design rationale for the decision making outcome, e.g., by referencing one or more of the quality attributes addressed by the architectural decision and answering \"why\" questions about the design and option selection. Architectural decisions concern a software system as a whole, or one or more of the core components of such a system. Types of architectural decisions are the selection of architectural tactics and patterns, of integration technologies, and of middleware, as well as related implementation strategies and assets (both commercial products and open source projects).[3] Software architecture design is a wicked problem,[4] therefore architectural decisions are difficult to get right. Often, no single optimal solution for any given set of architecture design problems exists. Architectural decision making is a core responsibility of software architects;[5] additional motivation for/of the importance of architectural decisions as a first-class concept in software architecture can be found online.[6] Rationale was mentioned in an early definition of software architecture by Perry/Woolf,[7] but not researched much until 2004, when a workshop on architectural decisions and Architectural Knowledge Management was held in Groningen, NL. Early publications can be traced back to this workshop,.[8][9] From 2006 on, the architectural knowledge management and architectural decision research communities gained momentum and a number of papers was published at major software architecture conferences such as European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA), Quality of Software Architecture (QoSA) and (Working) International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA). A Springer book summarized the state of the art as of 2009,[10] and a systematic mapping study from 2013 [11] compiles and analyzes more and more recent research results. In practice, the importance of making the correct decisions has always been recognized, for instance in software development processes such as OpenUP; many templates and practices for decision documentation exist. Seven of these templates are compared in.[12] The most recent standard for architecture descriptions, ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011 has a dedicated rationale entity, and gives detailed recommendations which architectural decisions to capture and which properties of an architectural decision to record in the decision log.[13] A number of decision making techniques exists, both general ones and software and software architecture specific ones, for instance, dialogue mapping.[15] Group decision making is an active research topic. Many templates and tools for decision capturing exist, both in agile communities (e.g., M. Nygard's architecture decision records[16]) and in software engineering and architecture design methods (e.g., see table layouts suggested by IBM UMF [17] and by Tyree and Akerman from CapitalOne.[18] G. Fairbanks included decision rationale in his one-page Architecture Haikus;[19] his notation was later evolved into Y-statements. See [20] for motivation, examples, comparisons. Architectural decisions are used in software design; hence they have to be communicated to, and accepted by, the stakeholders of the system that fund, develop, and operate it. Architecturally evident coding styles [21] and code reviews that focus on architectural concerns and decisions are two related practices. Many templates have been suggested by practicing architects and by software architecture researchers. GitHub repositories such as \"Architecture decision record (ADR)\"[28] and \"Markdown Architectural Decision Records\"[29] collect many of them, as well as links to tools and writing hints. Both practitioners and researchers recognize that software architecture decision-making is a group process that involves several stakeholders discussing, evaluating and shortlisting architectural decisions. Studies [30][31] of practitioners found that though groups are ideally sized, a structured approach to decision-making is largely lacking. Specifically: Home design software helps you to design your own home without first having to study or take classes to become an interior designer or architect. Programs allow you to \"build\" a house or room on your electronic device. You then can use the plans to either help with your home renovation projects or export your ideas to an architect or builder who can turn your dream into a reality.Many of these user-friendly programs include tutorials to help out DIYers with no design experience. A lot of the programs we reviewed also allow you to jump straight in and get started. You simply drag and drop or point and click to create your designs.\"}},{\"@type\": \"Question\",\"name\": \"How Much Does Home Design Software Cost\",\"acceptedAnswer\": {\"@type\": \"Answer\",\"text\": \"Prices for home design software vary greatly. Costs range from free all the way up to $795 or more, depending on the features you want and the number of photo uploads you can make. Expect to pay more if you want 3D or other enhancements.During our review process, we discovered that if you want to pay for some extra bells and whistles, you can get a nice quality program starting around $40. If you want a little more, $100 will provide you with lots of extras such as price estimators, unlimited uploads, and large photo libraries.\"}},{\"@type\": \"Question\",\"name\": \"When Is Home Design Software Worth the Cost\",\"acceptedAnswer\": {\"@type\": \"Answer\",\"text\": \"If you want to know how your home renovation project or remodel is going to look before you complete it, then you may find purchasing a home design software program is well worth the cost. Home design programs show you what your finished project will look like and give you an idea of the cost, which can help keep you from going over budget.Since there are free home design software programs you can use, we believe it is always worth it to do a little designing before you begin. This can give you an idea of how your finished project will turn out and help you to avoid some of the unknowns you otherwise may encounter.\"}}]}]}] When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. 59ce067264
Apr 09, 2023
In Welcome to the Forum
Buy Portable Heater DOWNLOAD ->>->>->> Small space heaters are typically used when the main heating system is unavailable, inadequate, or when central heating is too costly to install or operate. In some cases, small space heaters can be less expensive to use if you only want to heat one room or supplement inadequate heating in one room. They can also boost the temperature of rooms used by individuals who are sensitive to cold without overheating your entire home. Small space heaters work by convection (the circulation of air in a room) or radiant heating. Radiant heaters emit infrared radiation that directly heats objects and people within their line of sight, and are a more efficient choice when you will be in a room for only a few hours and can stay within the line of sight of the heater. They can also be more efficient when you will be using a room for a short period because they save energy by directly heating the occupant of the room and the occupant's immediate surroundings rather than the whole room. Safety is a top consideration when using small space heaters. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates that more than 1,700 residential fires every year are associated with the use of space heaters, resulting in more than 80 deaths and 160 injuries nationally. Small space heaters are classified as vented and unvented or \"vent-free.\" Unvented combustion small space heaters are not recommended for use inside your home because of the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. They may also bring unwanted nitrogen oxide into the home; nitrogen oxide can cause asthma and other respiratory problems. These heaters can also introduce water vapor into the home, which can result in mold and other structural damage. Most states have banned unvented kerosene heaters for use in the home. California, and some other cities and counties, have banned the use of unvented natural gas heaters in the home. Vented, small space portable heaters are designed to be located next to an outside wall, so that the flue gas vent can be installed through a ceiling or directly through the wall to the outside. Look for sealed combustion or \"100% outdoor air\" units, which have a duct to bring outside into the combustion chamber. Sealed combustion heaters are much safer to operate than other types of space heaters, and operate more efficiently because they do not draw in the heated air from the room and exhaust it to the outdoors. They are also less likely to backdraft and adversely affect indoor air quality. Less expensive (and less efficient) units use the room air for combustion. They do not have a sealed glass front to keep room air away from the heating elements and should not be confused with a sealed combustion heater. Electric small space heaters can be more expensive to operate than combustion space heaters. Although they avoid indoor air quality problems, electric small space heaters still pose burn and fire hazards and should be used with caution. For convection (non-radiant) space heaters, the best types incorporate a heat transfer liquid, such as oil, that is heated by the electric element. The heat transfer fluid provides some heat storage, allowing the heater to cycle less and to provide a more constant heat source. They are portable heaters that provide warmth in concentrated areas in a room. Instead of having to heat the whole house, you can place one of these devices in a part of your home where you want extra warmth and enjoy the heat at a fraction of the cost. The wattage varies from about 750 to 1500 watts, which is about two to four times the wattage of a heated blanket. Because of this, there can be a wide range in how much you may spend when you use a space heater in your home. In addition to temperature controls, you can also opt for safety features like an automatic shut-off. This is especially important if there are concerns about the heater being knocked on its side or toppling over. If that happens, it should turn off, otherwise, the risk of fire is imminent. Some models also come with a fan feature. This innovation is life-changing because instead of having a molten lava area within 10 inches of the heater and an igloo-like environment across the room, a blower fan within the unit can help distribute heat more evenly throughout the room. There are some scary statistics about space heaters. In the case of home fires with fatalities, the culprit was one of these innocuous household items a whopping 79% of the time. This speaks to the fact that people leave them on and unattended, especially when sleeping. The main reason that they cause fires has to do with the proximity of flammable objects to the heater. Remember to keep anything that can catch on fire at least three feet away from the unit. This includes clothing, furniture, drapes, bedding, and mattresses. There are multiple benefits from investing in an air conditioner-heater combo. For starters, most of these units are lightweight and compact. That means you can quickly move them around without having to struggle. In fact, you might not even have to carry most of them as the majority of these units are on wheels. Another fantastic dual unit, this air conditioner and heater will keep you cool during the summer and warm during the winter. It produces over 12,000 BTU and is great for smaller rooms up to 250 square feet. Installation is simple, and the unit even comes with handles along with castor wheels to move it around with ease. In an effort to promote energy conservation Northern Electric Cooperative sells residential Marathon electric water heaters. These residential water heaters play an integral role in keeping electric rates low and saving energy. Northern Electric homeowners who connect their water heater to the load management system may qualify for hundreds of dollars worth of rebates on a new water heater. Only one water heater rebate can be redeemed per structure every 10 years. Members may also be eligible for a $6 per month bill credit for having a water heater connected to load control. The load control system allows Northern Electric, in partnership with power-supplier East River Electric Power Cooperative, to cycle the water heaters on and off during times of peak demand on the system. Cycling water heaters on and off can save energy at times of high demand while also cutting down overall power costs. Only Northern Electric members can purchase a new 85, or 100-gallon residential Marathon water heater from the co-op. Members can purchase a water heater at the Northern Electric main office in Bath or at the Redfield office from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. during normal business hours. Purchases and pickups on weekends will come with an additional charge. **All residential Marathon electric water heaters must be registered online within 90 days of installation to receive a LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY. If the water heater is not registered within the time frame an automatic 10-year limited warranty will apply to the new appliance. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER WATER HEATERS **If an issue occurs on a water heater under warranty, owners must save their old unit and call Northern Electric Cooperative for details on processing the warranty and replacing the unit. For leaker replacement of a Marathon water heater under warranty after regular business hours please call 605-225-0310 or 1-800-529-0310. Gas-fueled space heaters usually use propane, kerosene, or another fuel to create heat. Their pilot light burns the gas as fuel to warm the room. Electric space heaters plug into a standard electrical wall socket. Conductive space heaters use electricity to produce heat via heating elements (usually metal coils). They create warmth by having direct contact with another object or person. For example, heated seats in a vehicle are conductive heat. Many people prefer to use propane heaters because they heat more efficiently than their electric counterparts. Overall, propane heat is less expensive and burns cleaner, leaving less of an impact on the environment. We like the heavy-duty grill on the F232000, protecting the heating mechanism. This propane heater will automatically shut off if it detects low oxygen levels, its pilot light goes out, or it tips over. An electric water heater is a tank that heats water with high-voltage electric heating rods that run vertically through the tank. Water is heated starting at the center of the tank, radiating outward. A gas water heater is a tank that heats water from a gas-fired burner located at the bottom of the tank. Hot water starts at the bottom and rises upward, where it is drawn off the top by a discharge tube. Gas water heaters require a gas line and an open flame (at the bottom of the heater) to heat the water. Occasionally, the user must relight the gas pilot light with a lighter or a piezoelectric built-in lighter. While an electric water heater does heat water slower and more expensively than the gas models do, it heats the water more efficiently. The heating rods are submerged in the water in a sealed tank, so there is very little heat loss. Though gas water heaters burn hotter, they are less efficient than electric water heaters because much of the energy output is wasted through the vent at top. The vent is necessary for discharging toxic gases. Electric water heaters span the very best and the very worst types of electricity supplies. At the best, though still rare, is electricity supplied by solar or wind. At the worst is electricity supplied by dirty coal-fired or nuclear power plants. Gas water heaters occupy the middle range for environmental impact. Gas is never as bad as electricity supplied by coal-powered plants, but never as good as wind or solar electricity. Gas is a non-renewable fossil fuel. While gas has long been thought of as a cleaner type of power than electricity, more recently some regions have enacted measures to ban the use of natural gas. Q. When trying to boost the comfort and winter warmth in my home, is it better to turn down the thermostat and place a space heater in the room we are using, or should I just turn up the thermostat If a space heater is the answer, what kind is best 59ce067264
Apr 09, 2023
In Welcome to the Forum
Buy Portable Heater DOWNLOAD ->>->>->> Small space heaters are typically used when the main heating system is unavailable, inadequate, or when central heating is too costly to install or operate. In some cases, small space heaters can be less expensive to use if you only want to heat one room or supplement inadequate heating in one room. They can also boost the temperature of rooms used by individuals who are sensitive to cold without overheating your entire home. Small space heaters work by convection (the circulation of air in a room) or radiant heating. Radiant heaters emit infrared radiation that directly heats objects and people within their line of sight, and are a more efficient choice when you will be in a room for only a few hours and can stay within the line of sight of the heater. They can also be more efficient when you will be using a room for a short period because they save energy by directly heating the occupant of the room and the occupant's immediate surroundings rather than the whole room. Safety is a top consideration when using small space heaters. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates that more than 1,700 residential fires every year are associated with the use of space heaters, resulting in more than 80 deaths and 160 injuries nationally. Small space heaters are classified as vented and unvented or \"vent-free.\" Unvented combustion small space heaters are not recommended for use inside your home because of the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. They may also bring unwanted nitrogen oxide into the home; nitrogen oxide can cause asthma and other respiratory problems. These heaters can also introduce water vapor into the home, which can result in mold and other structural damage. Most states have banned unvented kerosene heaters for use in the home. California, and some other cities and counties, have banned the use of unvented natural gas heaters in the home. Vented, small space portable heaters are designed to be located next to an outside wall, so that the flue gas vent can be installed through a ceiling or directly through the wall to the outside. Look for sealed combustion or \"100% outdoor air\" units, which have a duct to bring outside into the combustion chamber. Sealed combustion heaters are much safer to operate than other types of space heaters, and operate more efficiently because they do not draw in the heated air from the room and exhaust it to the outdoors. They are also less likely to backdraft and adversely affect indoor air quality. Less expensive (and less efficient) units use the room air for combustion. They do not have a sealed glass front to keep room air away from the heating elements and should not be confused with a sealed combustion heater. Electric small space heaters can be more expensive to operate than combustion space heaters. Although they avoid indoor air quality problems, electric small space heaters still pose burn and fire hazards and should be used with caution. For convection (non-radiant) space heaters, the best types incorporate a heat transfer liquid, such as oil, that is heated by the electric element. The heat transfer fluid provides some heat storage, allowing the heater to cycle less and to provide a more constant heat source. They are portable heaters that provide warmth in concentrated areas in a room. Instead of having to heat the whole house, you can place one of these devices in a part of your home where you want extra warmth and enjoy the heat at a fraction of the cost. The wattage varies from about 750 to 1500 watts, which is about two to four times the wattage of a heated blanket. Because of this, there can be a wide range in how much you may spend when you use a space heater in your home. In addition to temperature controls, you can also opt for safety features like an automatic shut-off. This is especially important if there are concerns about the heater being knocked on its side or toppling over. If that happens, it should turn off, otherwise, the risk of fire is imminent. Some models also come with a fan feature. This innovation is life-changing because instead of having a molten lava area within 10 inches of the heater and an igloo-like environment across the room, a blower fan within the unit can help distribute heat more evenly throughout the room. There are some scary statistics about space heaters. In the case of home fires with fatalities, the culprit was one of these innocuous household items a whopping 79% of the time. This speaks to the fact that people leave them on and unattended, especially when sleeping. The main reason that they cause fires has to do with the proximity of flammable objects to the heater. Remember to keep anything that can catch on fire at least three feet away from the unit. This includes clothing, furniture, drapes, bedding, and mattresses. There are multiple benefits from investing in an air conditioner-heater combo. For starters, most of these units are lightweight and compact. That means you can quickly move them around without having to struggle. In fact, you might not even have to carry most of them as the majority of these units are on wheels. Another fantastic dual unit, this air conditioner and heater will keep you cool during the summer and warm during the winter. It produces over 12,000 BTU and is great for smaller rooms up to 250 square feet. Installation is simple, and the unit even comes with handles along with castor wheels to move it around with ease. In an effort to promote energy conservation Northern Electric Cooperative sells residential Marathon electric water heaters. These residential water heaters play an integral role in keeping electric rates low and saving energy. Northern Electric homeowners who connect their water heater to the load management system may qualify for hundreds of dollars worth of rebates on a new water heater. Only one water heater rebate can be redeemed per structure every 10 years. Members may also be eligible for a $6 per month bill credit for having a water heater connected to load control. The load control system allows Northern Electric, in partnership with power-supplier East River Electric Power Cooperative, to cycle the water heaters on and off during times of peak demand on the system. Cycling water heaters on and off can save energy at times of high demand while also cutting down overall power costs. Only Northern Electric members can purchase a new 85, or 100-gallon residential Marathon water heater from the co-op. Members can purchase a water heater at the Northern Electric main office in Bath or at the Redfield office from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. during normal business hours. Purchases and pickups on weekends will come with an additional charge. **All residential Marathon electric water heaters must be registered online within 90 days of installation to receive a LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY. If the water heater is not registered within the time frame an automatic 10-year limited warranty will apply to the new appliance. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER WATER HEATERS **If an issue occurs on a water heater under warranty, owners must save their old unit and call Northern Electric Cooperative for details on processing the warranty and replacing the unit. For leaker replacement of a Marathon water heater under warranty after regular business hours please call 605-225-0310 or 1-800-529-0310. Gas-fueled space heaters usually use propane, kerosene, or another fuel to create heat. Their pilot light burns the gas as fuel to warm the room. Electric space heaters plug into a standard electrical wall socket. Conductive space heaters use electricity to produce heat via heating elements (usually metal coils). They create warmth by having direct contact with another object or person. For example, heated seats in a vehicle are conductive heat. Many people prefer to use propane heaters because they heat more efficiently than their electric counterparts. Overall, propane heat is less expensive and burns cleaner, leaving less of an impact on the environment. We like the heavy-duty grill on the F232000, protecting the heating mechanism. This propane heater will automatically shut off if it detects low oxygen levels, its pilot light goes out, or it tips over. An electric water heater is a tank that heats water with high-voltage electric heating rods that run vertically through the tank. Water is heated starting at the center of the tank, radiating outward. A gas water heater is a tank that heats water from a gas-fired burner located at the bottom of the tank. Hot water starts at the bottom and rises upward, where it is drawn off the top by a discharge tube. Gas water heaters require a gas line and an open flame (at the bottom of the heater) to heat the water. Occasionally, the user must relight the gas pilot light with a lighter or a piezoelectric built-in lighter. While an electric water heater does heat water slower and more expensively than the gas models do, it heats the water more efficiently. The heating rods are submerged in the water in a sealed tank, so there is very little heat loss. Though gas water heaters burn hotter, they are less efficient than electric water heaters because much of the energy output is wasted through the vent at top. The vent is necessary for discharging toxic gases. Electric water heaters span the very best and the very worst types of electricity supplies. At the best, though still rare, is electricity supplied by solar or wind. At the worst is electricity supplied by dirty coal-fired or nuclear power plants. Gas water heaters occupy the middle range for environmental impact. Gas is never as bad as electricity supplied by coal-powered plants, but never as good as wind or solar electricity. Gas is a non-renewable fossil fuel. While gas has long been thought of as a cleaner type of power than electricity, more recently some regions have enacted measures to ban the use of natural gas. Q. When trying to boost the comfort and winter warmth in my home, is it better to turn down the thermostat and place a space heater in the room we are using, or should I just turn up the thermostat If a space heater is the answer, what kind is best 59ce067264
Apr 09, 2023
In Welcome to the Forum
The Sundays - Heres Where The Story Ends 1990 Download File > Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality downloads of \"Here's where the story ends\" with Beta One, Blood Wonder, American Tune, Christmas Song- with ChromaDuo, Rene and Georgette Magritte With Their Dog After The War- with Ari Posner, Sexsmith Swinghammer Songs, Both Sides Now with Ari Posner, That Certain Chartreuse, and 4 more. , and , . Purchasable with gift card Buy Digital Discography $55.97 CAD or more (30% OFF) Send as Gift about It was a pure pleasure to create this track with Beta One. This song was originally released in 1990 by Brit pop band The Sundays. It's a favourite of ours from that time and a perfect place for us to collaborate. $(\".tralbum-about\").last().bcTruncate(TruncateProfile.get(\"tralbum_about\"), \"more\", \"less\"); lyrics People I know, places I goMake me feel tongue tiedBut I can see how people look downThey're on the insideHere's where the story endsPeople I see, weary of meShowing my good sideI can see how people look downI'm on the outsideHere's where the story endsOoh, here's where the story endsIt's that little souvenir of a terrible yearWhich makes my eyes feel soreOh, I never should have said the books that you readWere all I loved you forIt's that little souvenir of a terrible yearWhich makes me wonder whyIt's the memories of your shed that make me turn redSurprise, surprise, surpriseCrazy I know, places I goMake me feel so tiredAnd I can see how people look downI'm on the outsideOh, here's where the story endsOoh, here's where the story endsIt's that little souvenir of a terrible yearWhich makes my eyes feel soreAnd who ever would've thought the books that you broughtWere all I loved you forOh, the devil in me said, \"Go down to the shed\"I know where I belongBut the only thing I ever really wanted to sayWas wrong, was wrong, was wrongIt's that little souvenir of a colorful yearWhich makes me smile insideSo I cynically, cynically say the world is that waySurprise, surprise, surprise, surprise, surpriseHere's where the story endsOoh, here's where the story ends $(\".lyricsText\").last().bcTruncate(TruncateProfile.get(\"tralbum_long\"), \"more\", \"less\"); credits released January 16, 2023 Vocals-Lori CullenAll production- Beta OneArtwork- Kurt Swinghammer $(\".tralbum-credits\").last().bcTruncate(TruncateProfile.get(\"tralbum_long\"), \"more\", \"less\"); license all rights reserved tags Tags 90's pop folk adult contempory chilled downtempo easy listening female vocals pop singer-songwriter the sundays Toronto Shopping cart total USD Check out about Lori Cullen Toronto, Ontario England's the Sundays enjoyed several albums and some chart hits with their pleasant brand of coffeehouse rock. Most will probably remember the band for Harriet Wheeler's singing style, which combines wide-eyed wonder with free-spiritedness and sometimes incomprehensibility due to her thick English accent and high-pitched voice. Perhaps their most popular radio hit was 1989's \"Here's Where the Story Ends,\" a contemplative song camouflaged in a mid-tempo, alternative pop package. The lyrics, which are somewhat indecipherable, effectively document an idealist's view of the world, which, in this song, reveals an apathetic and cynical society. The verse \"People I know places I go/make me feel tongue tied/I can see how people look down/They're on the inside\" illustrates the Sundays' viewpoint. Also, another theme, the stages of processing a life event, is smartly chronicled in the lyrics. For instance, a \"terrible year\" is later described as \"colorful.\" Elsewhere, the line \"Oh I never should have said the books that you read/were all I loved you for\" transforms into \"And who ever would've thought the books that you brought/were all I loved you for\" \"Here's Where the Story Ends\" continues to be heard on modern rock, college, and alternative radio stations. The song, ironically, was mostly appreciated for its music and Wheeler's pleasing voice. Listeners did not, however, catch onto the clever wordplay by Wheeler and David Gavurin (guitars), which was often the case with the Sundays because of the singer's \"challenging\" vocal delivery. Likeable attribute or frustrating characteristic It all depends on who you ask. Gordon Skene, two-time Grammy Nominee and archivist runs The Gordon Skene Sound Archive and this website, which is dedicated to preserving and encouraging an interest in history and historic news, events, and cultural aspects of our society. Past Daily is the only place on the Internet where you can hear a Nixon speech, listen to an interview with John Cassavettes or play a broadcast of Charles Munch rehearsing the Boston Symphony in 1950, all in the same place. It's living history and it's timeless. In the late 1990s, Sullivan worked as a contributing writer and columnist for the New York Times Magazine, a regular contributor to the New York Times Book Review, and a weekly columnist for the Sunday Times of London. His New York Times cover stories included 'When Plagues End,' a description of the changing AIDS epidemic in 1996, and 'The Scolds,' an analysis of the decline of American conservatism in 1998. His 1999 essay, 'What's So Bad About Hate,' is included in the 'Best American Essays of 1999.' His 2000 cover story on testosterone, 'Why Men Are Different,' provoked a flurry of controversy, as well as a cover-story in Time, and a documentary on the Discovery channel. 59ce067264
Apr 09, 2023
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El Proyecto Adam (2022) CLICK HERE >>>>> Although Louis and 2050 Adam remove a memory unit with the algorithm, both Sorians arrive and threaten 2022 Adam as leverage to coerce Louis into surrendering the algorithm. 2050 Adam stalls and allows 2022 Adam to escape from Sorian by pushing her gun away, but an errant bullet damages the seal restraining the electromagnetic field, causing it to grow to limitless values. The Reeds try as much as they can to stop them, but the older Sorian threatens to kill Louis. Adam warns that her bullets are armor-piercing, but Louis remains adamant. Seeing no other way, Sorian shoots at Louis, but the path of the bullet is altered by the electromagnetic field and hits 2018 Sorian instead, killing her and wiping both Sorians out of existence. Dirigida por Shawn Levy y protagonizada por Ryan Reynolds, mismo dúo artístico detrás de la muy disfrutable 'Free Guy', 'El proyecto Adam' se estrena en Netflix este viernes 11 de marzo. En ella encontraréis una propuesta que quiere hacer un curioso dos por uno mezclando el gran espectáculo de ciencia ficción con la aventura juvenil. El resultado acaba entreteniendo pese a sus obvias limitaciones. La premisa de 'El proyecto Adam' es de lo más llamativa, ya que Reynolds interpreta a un piloto (el Adam del título) que viaja atrás en el tiempo para impedir un futuro negro para la humanidad, algo que le lleva a pedirse ayuda a sí mismo, pero a cuando tenía apenas 12 años. Uno de esos high concept con los que atrapar rápidamente al espectador, pero luego quizá el desarrollo no sea de vuestro gusto. Lo primero que hay que dejar claro sobre 'El proyecto Adam' es que podéis ir olvidándoos de cualquier tipo de ambición a la hora de desarrollar esa premisa, ya que el objetivo aquí es sacar adelante un gran pasatiempo para toda la familia. Para ello se apuesta por un enfoque en el que la acción tiene una presencia importante, pero sus responsables tienen claro que es a través de la emoción con lo que van a conquistar a millones de espectadores. Más importantes son los personajes, no tanto porque tengan un desarrollo especialmente logrado como por la dinámica que surge entre ambos, especialmente entre Reynolds y Walker Scobell, el desconocido actor que da vida a la versión joven del protagonista. La química entre ambos fluye con naturalidad y acaba por convertirse en la gran constante de 'El proyecto Adam'. Por lo demás, Levy opta por intentar dar con el punto de ligereza clave para que uno se deje llevar pero sin que quede la sensación de que no hay nada realmente en juego y que el protagonista va a triunfar sin dificultades. El bagaje es irregular, pues cuando opta por un enfoque más íntimo y personal, 'El proyecto Adam' funciona mejor, pero cuando toca elevar la escala de la película, el resultado tiende a ser un poco genérico. 'El proyecto Adam' podría haber sido el primer gran blockbuster de Netflix de este 2022, pero a la hora de la verdad es más disfrutable cuando tiene unas intenciones más pequeñas y un enfoque más inocente. Lo que nos queda es un pasatiempo bastante digno pero del que nos olvidaremos al de poco de verlo. El proyecto Adam es una película estadounidense de ciencia ficción dirigida por Shawn Levy y escrita por Jonathan Tropper, T.S. Nowlin, Jennifer Flackett y Mark Levin. Está protagonizada por Ryan Reynolds, Jennifer Garner, Zoe Saldana, Mark Ruffalo, Catherine Keener y Walker Scobell. El proyecto Adam es una película escrita por Jennifer Flackett, Mark Levin, T.S. Nowlin y Jonathan Tropper que cuenta con la dirección de Shawn Levy (Ahí os quedáis, Noche en el museo: El secreto del faraón, Free Guy). Por su parte, Ryan Reynolds es un actor que, como Adam Sandler, ha demostrado tener un gran talento, pero que prefiere optar por lo seguro. En El proyecto Adam, Reynolds (quien trabajara anteriormente con Reynolds en la simpática e ingeniosa Free Guy), interpreta al piloto del futuro Adam Reed quien, con su nave espacial, abandona el año 2050, para viajar a su pasado y a nuestro presente: El año 2022. El viernes 11 de marzo llegó al catálogo de Netflix la película El proyecto Adam, producción dirigida por Shawn Levy (el mismo detrás de films como Cheaper by the Dozen; Real Steel; Free Guy) y protagonizada por Ryan Reynolds, Walker Scobell, Mark Ruffalo, Jennifer Garner, Catherine Keener y Zoe Saldana. El proyecto incluirá 55 unidades de vivienda con restricción de ingresos y una sala comunitaria operada por Hyde Square Task Force. También habrá 55 plazas de aparcamiento de bicicletas y una estación Blue Bikes. Según la junta de BPDA, el proyecto coincide con el objetivo de la ciudad de aumentar las oportunidades de vivienda. La junta declaró que el proyecto también mejoraría la seguridad y la apariencia del área con nueva iluminación y paisajismo. En concreto, el proyecto de ley anularía la Ley de Defensa del Matrimonio de 1996 y reconocería el matrimonio gay como legal a nivel federal, algo que ya es así desde la histórica decisión del Tribunal Supremo de 2015 en el caso Obergefell vs Hodges. Estamos encantados de presentar a este nuevo grupo de archivistas y gestores documentales que colaborarán este año en proyectos relacionados con la participación de la comunidad, la promoción y la educación técnica. Quieren conocerlos 59ce067264
Apr 09, 2023
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Kritical - Serving Spot CLICK HERE ---> An H-1B temporary work visa is issued for 6 years to work in a specialty occupation and, once exhausted, the applicant must leave the United States and reapply after a year. There are several American-trained IMGs with an exhausted H-1B status completely capable of serving in this pandemic. Despite being willing to save lives, they are limited to being silent observers. In summary, IMGs are pleading desperately with American policymakers to decrease visa restrictions to bolster their ability to contribute during the COVID-19 pandemic. IMGs are dedicated to serving American patients and to their solemnity in being true to the Hippocratic Oath they once took. It may be illegal to stay in a country, but saving lives should not become illegal. According to one popular theory, the hippocampus is critical, serving as a memory index. To use an analogy: when functioning well, memory is like a digital database or an old-school-style office filing cabinet: something triggers a search of the database, and we retrieve and recall the memory. Like its neighbor Portugal, Spain was a notable early hot spot for cryptocurrencies among EU members, with merchants accepting payments and bitcoin kiosks in the streets. Despite having no formal legal status, virtual currencies in Spain are taxable as income and under VAT. Ricky mentions his brother Andre serving 25 to life for his latest crime. He also mentions he got a business degree and now works as Head Accountant for Sweet Valentine Enterprises. Valentine was once a big-time gangster and is now a major hip hop mogul based in Miami. 59ce067264
Apr 09, 2023
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1 (29).mp4 DOWNLOAD ->->->-> Hello! I've got a self created .mp4 video that I have created using iMovie. I would like to review all the metadata associated and then delete all the metadata for privacy reasons. I am not an IT expert, so please keep that in mind, I do not know any terminal commands. Using exiftool via the command line is not so difficult as it sounds. Just download the MacOS Package .dmg from exiftool main page and install it via ctrl-click > Open (to bypass the security check for applications that haven't a bought a certificate from Apple). Then, for example, put copies of the movies you want to process on the Desktop to a folder named 'movies' (don't put anything else there). Then open Applications > Utilities >, type 'cd ' (notice the space) and drag that 'movies' folder to the Terminal window and press Return to change to that folder (or type 'cd /Desktop/movies' followed by Return. '' means your home folder). Then copy & paste the previous long command to the Terminal, press Return, and wait for all files in that folder to be processed. (The dot '.' at the end of the long command means 'this folder'. Or alternatively, omit that dot '.' at the end, and instead type the exact name of the file you want to process. Or type just the start of the filename, and then press Tab to use autocomplete and maybe insert '*' to the end, and hit Return to process all files that start with the same letters. Or add '-ext mp4' switch to the command to process only files that have .mp4 suffix (or add '-ext dv' to process .dv files that exiftool does not touch by default). That was a rather clumsy instruction but I guess you get the idea. However, I would like to simply have a nice GUI, which lists every Metadata of the file (either .pdf .jpeg .png .mp4 .docx etc.) and then provides me with an Option to delte everything, so that Privacy is enhanced. I know that on some privacy focused linux operating systems have such tools, however, on MacOS, there is not really anything good or a programme which I can trust, which lists all the metadata and then shows me tickboxes like \"remove x. remove y etc.\", which is kinda annoying because I believe that is a very important piece of software, to remain somewhat private when sharing data. On the App Store, the software is not really doing exactly that. I cannot see all the metadata and I don't know what is/can be deleted. Did I make my point clear Sorry, non english native. Thank you guys. I want to watch films - in .mp4 format it shows me the films on the menu screen on the TV, but when I try to play it says unsupported file. I cannot find any information in the manual about it (but then the manual doesn't say much about much to be honest!) How Do I Convert MP4 to 3GP The Online MP4 to 3GP Video Converter supports a host of file formats within the .mpeg4 and .3gp containers. Learn more about our easy-to-use MP4 to 3GP converter or check out our up to the minute list of other supported file formats. MPEG-4 Part 14, with its official filename extension .mp4, is a Read more 59ce067264
Apr 09, 2023
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Father Soldier Son FRENCH WEBRIP 2020 Download File ===> GRADE: B+THIS FILM IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.IN BRIEF: A powerful look at an All-American family and the tragedy that befalls them.JIM'S REVIEW: Father Soldier Son is a vivid portrait of one American family and the impact that war casts upon them. Documentarians Catrin Einhorn and Leslye Davis followed the lives of Brian Eisch, an Army sergeant deployed in Afghanistan and his two sons, Isaac, age 12, and Joey, age 7. The film spans nearly a decade and covers their emotional and physical toil unflinchingly. It is a moving testament to the courage and love of a soldier and father for his children and the way we grow together and apart.The film chronicles the mental anguish and physical recuperation that becomes a common occurrence for Brian once he is ambushed and seriously injured in the war. His children's rose-colored view of military life is permanently altered. One son still idealizes the Army life while the other readily avoids its allure as they adapt to their new life with father. There are some serious gaps in the storytelling as years pass and some major events are not seen on film. Yet, the film captures the everyday existence of one family starting over with such a measured eloquence. Nathan Halpern's music score adds layers to the heartbreak. The film is a honest exposé of hurt and healing, a soldier story that is uniformly balanced and observant.Seeing the children grow into teenagers and speaking openly of their new-found fears about their shattered divorced dad is quite moving. Watching the father come to terms with his own disability and its limitations while losing his self-pride at being \"a burden\" to his country and family is emotionally gut-wrenching. We also witness Brian's eventual remarriage and the addition of a stepbrother into the family unit, but this character is completely overlooked as a viable family member In the documentary which seems an odd decision from the filmmakers to sidestep his presence. Still, there are unexpected moments of tragedy that haunt both the Eisch clan and moviegoers, bringing added depth and sadness to this family drama.The filmmakers had direct access to the family and their daily activities (physical therapy sessions, VA visits, school wrestling matches, house chores, proms, graduations, births, etc.) and this approach paints a more complete picture of a family coping with adversity and dysfunction. Subtle images of military paraphernalia strewed throughout the house, the constant playing of violent video games as entertainment, an American flag draped at half mast...these and other objects effectively hint at the patriotic mindset of this rural Army family. Their love of duty and country becomes a lasting presence, an undeniable force that envelopes parent and child throughout the years.Father, Soldier, Son is a fascinating look at the male psyche, the glorification of the military, and the underlying bond between father and son. Lessons are taught and learned. As the saying goes, the sins of the father are to be laid upon the children. It seems the Eisch's story is a prime example of history repeating itself and reinforcing that adage. This powerful documentary presents the evidence and becomes a lingering glimpse into one part of Americana desperately wanting to \"be all it can be\", even if everything is stacked against our blue collar families overcoming the odds to merely survive. The circle of life goes on...NOTE: While I completely understand Brian's anger issues due to his injuries and do not agree with his \"toughlove\" stance in raising his sons, the filmmakers sensitively capture his anguish and frustration that continually hangs over his family. This shroud of gloom permeates his home and affects the family within it. A follow-up documentary on the Eisch clan in another decade would be enthralling. This film start with a little boy \"Joey\" talking about his father \"Brian\", and Joey waiting Brian at the airport with his brother \"Isaac\" scene! As turnout, this film is about Brian need to reconcile with Joey and Isaac, after he injured from his soldier duty! Entire film full of boring conversation, and annoying overuse scene! Such as, overuse of the preparing food scene, overuse of the playing video game scene, and overuse of the driving scene! Make the film unwatchable! All the shooting scene also portray by sideways! The accident of Joey also never show to us! Pathetic! At the end, Isaac follow his father footprint by entering the U.S Army! That's it! Another disappointed film! Arminius, an eques in the Roman Imperial army, is a member of the Germanic Cherusci tribe who was given away as a hostage to Rome when he was a child, along with his younger brother Flavus, by his father Segimer to ensure peace between his tribe and Rome. He returns to Germania to help Publius Quinctilius Varus (his foster father) maintain order in the region. Upon seeing the atrocities inflicted by Roman soldiers on his former people, he becomes the new chieftain of the Cherusci tribe, and ignites a rebellion by finally uniting the tribes with the help of Thusnelda (daughter of Segestes) and Folkwin Wolfspeer, his two best friends during childhood. These events eventually culminate on the date of September 11, 9 AD in a massive ambush of three Roman legions (some 15,000 men) at the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, where the Germanic people emerge victorious. Faced with humiliating defeat and shocked by the treason of his adopted son, Varus commits suicide. John Thaw (\"Goodnight Mr. Tom,\" \"Inspector Morse\") stars as a Nazi-defying French priest in a powerful World War II drama. The series was filmed at Saint Valery sur Somme on the Picardy coast of France. 2919--A Gestapo officer searches for an escaped English soldier and orders Renard arrested and his church trashed. As the screws of German tyranny tighten, villagers respond with a mixture of fear, defiance and collaboration. 2920--A chill wind blows through Saint-Josse as Germans callously shoot a French soldier who is stealing bread. Local Jews suspect a coming pogrom; Renard is visited by a dissolute German archbishop. 2921--Helene seeks adoption or abortion for her expected child, and her parents seek the undisclosed father. Meanwhile, Madame Dufos and her son try to escape, and the Germans stage a kangaroo court followed by an execution. 59ce067264
Apr 09, 2023
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Linda Slim Linda Slim - On June, the Carlos Slim Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the government of Spain and the IDB, launch the Mesoamerica Health 2015 Initiative. The aim of this Initiative is to reduce the gap in health equality faced by the poorest 20% of population living in Central America and Southern Mexico. Mr. Carlos Slim participates in the first Global Education and Technology Forum at Twitter's San Francisco offices, January 31. The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)'s new complex was inaugurated in Texcoco, Mexico, in February. Both Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Carlos Slim Foundation supported the creation of that modern center for the advancing of agriculture research and productivity. In March Mr. Carlos Slim hosted the International Telecommunication Union's 7th Broad Band for Digital Development Commission Meeting, of which Mr. Slim is co-chairman. UNAM Foundation and Carlos Slim Foundation granted 753 fellowships for UNAM Engineering School' students English courses. In April the Carlos Slim Health Awards 2013 were conferred. Carlos Slim Foundation (created in 1986) divulged its own health-care achievements. The Carlos Slim Health Institute celebrated its Sixth Anniversary. In the Global Vaccine Summit in Abu Dhabi, Carlos Slim Foundation did announce that it has committed 100 million dollars to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI). Sitting in front of me is Michel Demma a trim 31 year old Temecula man with a big smile, an amazing spirit, and an inspiring story. Looking at him now would never lead me to believe he was ever anything but slim, energetic, and a leader in his field. But two years ago it was a different story. Think 400 pounds, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, depression, heart issues, 8 pills a day, and a life being driven by food addiction. 59ce067264
Apr 09, 2023
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Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine Free Download LINK >>>>> Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine is a third-person shooter hack-n-slash video game developed by Relic Entertainment and published by THQ. It was released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on September 6, 2011, in North America[2] and September 9, 2011, in Europe.[1] The game takes place in Games Workshop's Warhammer 40,000 universe and features the Ultramarines chapter. Its gameplay focuses on a hybrid shooting and melee combat model. Several character skins and models for Space Marine and Chaos Marine chapters have been released, along with content that was originally reserved for those who preordered the game. A new wave based game mode called \"Exterminatus\" was also made available for free download. Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine is a gory and violent game, and while it's not particularly subtle, the Gears of War-style gameplay is great fun. The well established Warhammer 40,000 world means the plot is comfortably filled and convincing. The multiplayer features both cooperative and competitive modes, with extensive character customization, meaning fans of Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine will be able to create just the marine they want. Compare prices with to find the cheapest cd key for Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 PC. Head over to one of the trusted game stores from our price comparison and buy cd key at the best price. Use the indicated client to activate key and download and play your game. All shops featured on will deliver your game immediately after the payment has been approved. This will be either in the form of direct download or PC key - depending on the store of your choice. After you activate key on a corresponding platform, you will be able to download and play your game for free. If you don't know how to activate the key, check out the tutorials section on the bottom of the page. 59ce067264
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